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Contacts in QBO
Ian McKay avatar
Written by Ian McKay
Updated over a week ago

Blog Post

Contacts in QuickBooks Online

In QuickBooks Online, sales transactions require a Customer or Job associated with them. Expense transactions such as Bills require a Vendor. The Customer or Vendor records hold essential details like name, email, address, and tax information. In Dext Commerce, we refer to these types of records as Contacts.

Understanding Contacts in Dext Commerce

When exporting transactions from your Sales integration to QuickBooks Online, Dext Commerce attempts to match a transaction to an existing contact. If a match can't be found, Dext Commerce creates a new contact within your QuickBooks Online company during the transaction export process. There are two levels of contact creation:

Level 1 Contacts
Dext Commerce matches or creates the primary contact based on the source of the transaction (e.g., Amazon, Etsy, Stripe). This approach is recommended if you have a large number of transactions and prefer to keep your contact lists manageable within QuickBooks Online.

Level 2 Contacts
Dext Commerce matches or creates a new contact using the secondary contact on the transaction (typically your buyer or seller name). This level is useful for e-commerce sellers who prefer to associate sales with their customer names within QuickBooks Online.

You can control the customer/contact records associated with your transactions from the Accounting Export Preferences dashboard. For more information on configuring your accounting export preferences, please visit Configure your accounting export preferences.

Pro Tip

Some accounting software is designed to handle smaller numbers of contacts. As a general guideline, Dext Commerce recommends using Level 1 contacts.

Mapping Contacts with Mapping Central

Mapping Central simplifies the process of setting up mappings for your financial data, including contacts in QuickBooks Online. After connecting your QuickBooks Online account with Dext Commerce, Mapping Central identifies contact data from your Sales integration and suggests mappings based on your accounting export preferences.

To use the Suggested Mappings feature for Contacts:

  1. Access Mapping Central

  2. Review the Suggested Mappings

  3. Select the Destination Contact in your QuickBooks Online file

A Reminder

We recommended using Level 1 Contacts for most users. This will help keep your data clean and your accounting software performing well.

  1. For each identified contact, select the corresponding contact in QuickBooks Online where the data should be mapped.

If you encounter any issues or have questions while using Mapping Central, our other help articles and support team are always here to assist you. Reach out to [email protected].

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