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Introduction to Rollups
Ian McKay avatar
Written by Ian McKay
Updated over a week ago

Blog Post

What Are Rollups?

Rollups consolidate multiple transactions to a single entry within your accounting file while still retaining the granularity you've come to expect from Commerce.

Consolidate multiple sales to a single invoice or sales receipt and expenses to a single purchase or bill. Rollups provide an exportable consolidated transaction for each transaction type (sales, expenses, refunds, and reimbursements) based on an accounting period.

Calendar-based (temporal) Rollups

These Rollups are based on a set period of time. Commerce customizes your Rollup preferences to run daily or monthly.

Settlement-based Rollups

Settlement based Rollups are not currently supported, but will be an upcoming feature.

To Rollup, or not to Rollup

There are plenty of benefits to Commerce's Rollups. Consider the following when thinking about Rollups:

  • You have 2000+ transactions per month

  • You prefer a clean, orderly accounting file (while still having access to granular data, of course)

  • You want the most concise totals when it comes time to reconcile

These are considerations, not requirements. We understand there are many different ways to gather, sort, and view data. Sure, everyone loves a "clean, orderly accounting file" but does that mean all of your transactions rolled up into one entry? Maybe that means looking at every transaction line item. Either way, Rollups are a feature offered by Commerce in the name of simplifying accounting.

Are Rollups not right for you? That is okay. Commerce continues to fully support itemized and summary transactions outside of Rollups.

Why Are Rollups Valuable?

Summary Style Line Items

Go from 1000's of monthly line items to four. Rollups gather your transactions to merge them into one of four summary transactions: sales, expenses, refunds, and reimbursements. Knock out some of the "noise" of your accounting file during reviews and reconciliation. At any time, reference back to the highly-detailed transactions that are still available in Commerce.

Before Rollups, you would have multiple highly-detailed transactions to look at in your accounting software:

After Rollups, you now have those same highly detailed transactions, but consolidated into a single summary transaction with a single export to your accounting software:

At any time, view the full details of each transaction contained within a Rollup:

Granular Data

Commerce’s Rollups are wonderfully unique because of the granularity of the data that remains associated with each transaction. Delivering comprehensive summary transactions is just another way Commerce strives to make accounting easier! If something is amiss when it comes time to reconcile, sales, expenses, refunds, and reimbursements can be singled out within Commerce’s pre-accounting data.

Link back to your Commerce Rollup transaction directly from your accounting file for a deeper look at individual transactions.


Commerce helps you remain compliance by associating all the original data from your marketplaces and payment providers to your summary transactions; allowing you to see the data you want to see while keeping the data you need to keep.

Itemized Taxes

Rollups allow you to see tax totals based on rates. Keep track of your intricate tax scenrios inside of your summary Rollup transactions.

How To Enable Rollups

Rollups are available to qualified subscribers during the onboarding process. Qualified subscribers that have already onboarded, request Rollups by emailing [email protected].

Reconciling with Roll-ups

When using Temporal Rollups, reconciliation may not directly match integration reports due to timing differences, time zones, and other factors. Our rollups are calculated by "day" in UTC to avoid issues like daylight savings. To minimize discrepancies, users should run sales reports in UTC if possible.

Please note that settlement payouts from platforms will rarely equal a daily summation of the sales for that day due to holdbacks and reserves. If you need to reconcile amounts, you can use our snapshot graph and adjust the timezone to match the upstream system.

We are continuously working on improving our documentation and providing automated reports for reconciliation on an integration-by-integration basis to make this process as seamless as possible for our users.

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