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Manage or Remove Accounting Programs
Ian McKay avatar
Written by Ian McKay
Updated over a week ago

Blog Post

Updated: January 20, 2021

Manage Accounting Programs

  1. Click the Accounting

    icon and then choose the accounting program from the list.

  1. Select Manage.

From this screen you can

  1. Rename the account.

  2. Disable automatic syncing with Commerce (not recommended)

  3. Disconnect the account on Commerce


Disconnecting your account will stop further updates, but retain your data.

  1. Delete the account on Commerce

When you are done making changes, click the Update Credentials


Manage Collaborations

You can also manage any existing collaborations you may have enabled on the connected accounting file.

Collaboration Replaced By Teams

Commerce Teams replaces the previous Collaboration feature. Instead of sharing specific connected accounts with other users via Collaboration, Teams brings all of your colleagues into a single workspace and allows all Team Members to connect accounts. Existing collaborated accounts will continue to be supported. However, to collaborate on accounts going forward you need to create or join a team.

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